Euromillions | Results for Mar 21 | 9 17 18 21 50 (rollover!)
Terms of Use


The provisions contained in these "Terms and Conditions" ("TERMS") regulates with the relationship between the administrator of website ("WEBSITE") and its users ("USER").

The WEBSITE is represented by Felipe Sanches Varroni, an individual, being only developed, maintained and managed by him. The relationship between WEBSITE and USER is, therefore, between individuals on an equal basis.

The purchase of products offered by the WEBSITE can only occur with the full agreement of the present TERMS.



The Privacy Policy is part of this agreement.


The password chosen by the USER is personal and non-transferable, and it is the responsibility of the USER himself not to pass it on to third parties, for his own security. The choice of the password indicated at the time of registration on the WEBSITE, provided that it contains at least 6 (six) digits, is free and unconditional, being the exclusive responsibility of the USER.

The WEBSITE will not have access to the USER's personal password, as it is stored "salted" and encrypted in the database. No WEBSITE representative is authorized to request, for whatever reason, the USER password.

The USER must immediately inform the WEBSITE of the loss or theft of the password, so that the necessary measures are then taken, the WEBSITE being exempt from liability for occurrences of the inappropriate use of the USER password. To change a forgotten, lost or stolen password, you can use the password recovery tool, using the "I forgot my password" link in the Login section. Access to the registration email is required to change the password in this case.

The USER must adopt all measures within its power to prevent its registration from being accessed and/or used by third parties.


The WEBSITE provides seven exclusive tools for subscribers: (1) statistical picks; (2) statistical analysis; (3) ticket simulator; (4) print tickets, (5) special wheels, (6) wheel simulator, (7) multi-ticket checker and (8) advanced statistics.

The aforementioned tools use the lotteries history to perform calculations based on numbers chosen by users or predetermined. There is no guarantee of prizes or even changes in the mathematical probabilities of winning lotteries.

In the case of special wheels, they are predetermined numerical distributions that present average premium calculations and statistical probabilities, as indicated on the tool page. Statistical probabilities are based on the history of the drawings, distinguishing and not being confused with mathematical probabilities. Like the previous item, there is no guarantee of prizes or even changes in the mathematical probabilities of winning lotteries.

The ticket printing tool is the generation of visual elements according to margins and distances predetermined or customized by the user. Such visual elements, when printed following the instructions given on the WEBSITE, automate the task of filling tickets. However, there is no guarantee of compatibility of third party software (computer programs) and hardware (machines, such as printers) with the tool provided. It is suggested to use the recommended software on the tool page.

All tools can be tested free of charge (in the case of wheels, there are also free wheels). For this reason, and also because they are exclusively virtual products/services, the refund of amounts in the event of cancellation will be proportional to the number of months remaining until the end of the subscription plan. The base value of the months for calculating the retention will ignore any discounts granted due to the contracting of longer plans. That is, the base value of the month for calculating the retention will be the value of the subscription plan for 1 (one) month. The minimum retention will be 1 (one) month.

There is no limit on the use of tools within the contract term. However, if server resources are abused by means not originally provided for in the source code, the WEBSITE reserves the right to cancel the USER's subscription without prior notice.


The WEBSITE may, at its sole discretion, at any time, and without the need for prior communication to the USER:

Terminate, modify or suspend, in whole or in part, the USER's access to the website, when said access or registration is in violation of the conditions established in these TERMS.

Delete, totally or partially, the information registered by the USER that is not in accordance with the provisions of these TERMS or if the information provided is not real.

The SITE may send email messages or other correspondence of an informative, commercial and/or promotional nature to the USER, unless requested otherwise by the USER.


For the purchase of subscription packages, the USER must be an individual, be over 18 years old and be legally capable. Registration on the website will be necessary, by following the instructions in the Registration section.

The USER guarantees and is responsible for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the data contained in the registration form filled in by him/her, committing himself/herself to keep it duly updated.

The WEBSITE does not assume any obligation to police or supervise the information provided by the USER, but may, at its sole discretion, exclude information that seems untrue or offensive.


The USER will be able to make payments through PAYPAL intermediary services.

All purchases are made in a secure environment, with encrypted data handling using SSL Certificate (Let's Encrypt).


The USER may not:

a) Use the website to disclose information in any way that may violate applicable rules in Brazil and his/her country, the rights of the WEBSITE and/or any third party, nor produce or disseminate illegal, immoral, inappropriate or offensive content;

b) Copy, assign, sublicense, sell, lease or guarantee, reproduce, donate, dispose of in any way, transfer totally or partially, under any modalities, free of charge or temporarily, temporarily or permanently, the registration on the website, as well as the content of the website - texts, numbers, statistics or any information related to it;

c) Employ software, techniques and/or devices in order to misuse the website for practices harmful to the WEBSITE or third parties;

d) Reproduce, adapt, modify and/or employ, in whole or in part, for any purpose, the content of the website without the express authorization of the WEBSITE;

f) Perform reverse engineering on the operation of any tools or website sections.


The WEBSITE will not respond, under any circumstances, not even in solidarity or subsidiary:

a) For any losses suffered by the USER as a result of making decisions based on the information provided by the WEBSITE;

b) For any losses suffered by the USER due to failures in the computer system or in the servers that do not depend on the WEBSITE, or in its connectivity to the internet in general, the USER must maintain, at his expense, a telecommunication line, modem, communication software, e-mail address and other resources necessary to communicate with the WEBSITE;

c) For eventual losses suffered due to fraud practiced by third parties, the USER must maintain, at his expense, software and measures for protection and prevention against viruses, worms, etc..

d) Due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.

The WEBSITE does not guarantee that the functions contained in the website will meet all of the USER's needs, that the operation of the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that any functionality will remain available, that defects in its code will be corrected or that the website will be compatible with or work with any third party device, applications or services.

The USER agrees to indemnify the SITE and its administrator and agents for any charges, actions or demands, including, but not limited to reasonable legal fees, resulting from the possible improper use of the website or the violation of the conditions now agreed by the USER.

In no event will the WEBSITE be liable for personal injury or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential loss, loss of profits, including, without limitation, loss of profit, corruption or loss of data, failure to transmit or receive data, loss chance, non-continuity of the business or any other commercial loss or loss, arising from or related to the USER's use or inability to use the website, for any reason.


These TERMS will be valid for an indefinite period, from the acceptance of the USER, and may be modified or terminated unilaterally by the WEBSITE at any time, without any burden, through simple communication through the website itself or by message to the email indicated in the USER's registration.


When using the services, the USER undertakes to act with responsibility and restraint, as well as to respect the law, morals and good customs.

The provisions hereby foreseen and any other policies disclosed by the WEBSITE constitute the rules that specifically govern the relationship between the USER and the WEBSITE, surpassing and revoking any and all understandings, proposals, agreements, negotiations and discussions that may have previously occurred between the parties.

The inability or impossibility of the WEBSITE to exercise or enforce any right or provision hereunder does not represent a waiver of that right or provision.

A declaration of nullity or inapplicability of any item, term or provision herein provided for does not imply the nullity or inapplicability of any other items, terms or provisions contained herein, which will remain valid.

The USER, subscribed or not, does not acquire any intellectual property rights on or in any way related to the website or any functionality or component that may be made available by the WEBSITE.

In no event the USER will have access to the source code of the website, as it is the intellectual property of the WEBSITE.

Any and all content made available by the WEBSITE, including, but not limited to, texts, graphics, images, logos, icons, photographs, editorial content, notifications, software and any other material, belong exclusively to the WEBSITE, and are protected by Brazilian law in the regarding intellectual property and copyright.

The SITE clarifies that it has no link with Caixa Econômica Federal and any other official lottery provider, which are thirds and totally foreigns to the relationship maintained between WEBSITE and USER.

The parties elect the District Court of the Capital of the State of São Paulo as the only one competent to settle any disputes and/or demands that may involve the parties in relation to the use of the website.

The USER declares to be aware of the rights and obligations arising from these TERMS, having read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions.